Friday, August 22, 2014

A country that I like to visit

A country that I like to visit is Japan. I think that is a country of ancient culture, even when that was changed, specially  for the industrialization and the second world war at the lasts centurys.
When I was a boy, and until today, like me the samurĂ¡is, and all that serenity, discipline, honor and more. Could visit the country where  they born, grow up, lived and died, it’s make me feel great.
I am student of anthropology, and visit others countrys, so estranges for me like Japon, is an experience that could made me very happy.
I will travel at first, to Kioto, the home of the shoguns and emperors, the I could go across the country, with an special emphasis in the orography, in the animals nad vegetal especies.
I like to visit temples, know budism monks, look the ancient architecture and the new. Japan is a country of change, and very quickly changes. The combination between the the old and the knew, is something that I want to see there.

I hope one day can go cross the cea and arrive to Japan