Friday, April 11, 2014

Things that I do

This semester we are study structuralism, linguistics ethnology and dome other contents that we can use to be a better professional. However, in the conditions that the education is, I, with other partners, understand that never the formal education will be... the thing that the goberments promise.
Well, returning to the topic, apart of the contents that I study I am taking English. First days of this year I tried to play futbol, but I am very bad, and the time it was insufficcient.
Others activities that I do are connected with a work more politic. I am in the line of anthropology of the education, where we find the knowledge that the university does not give us, thats, in a few words, but it's not all that we do. 
What I hope for this year is nothing, I don't have nothing clear, I suppose that I Iive day to day, week to week, I can not plan my life for a year, maybe a hope to be sorprised in the way, that explain why I can not plan my life for a long time.

Health and solidarity

Friday, April 4, 2014


Hello everybody. I am Ignacio López. I am a student of anthropology. I was born in 1994 a cold night of May. I grew up in Santiago of Chile. I live with my parents, I am the only child, don’t have brothers or sisters.
Like all families with have problems but I can say that I was happy during my childhood. Always a studied in college far of my house, I remember me walking to the school in the morning with my mother and return home in the afternoon, then, when I grew up,I walk alone. In the school I knew very nice people and two of they, until today, are my best friends.
Is very comfortable, in the course of live, know people that you really become to love, that you admire, something like that happen to me too when I begin to study in the university, I knew very nice people. Well… that was something that I want to tell you.
Always like me listen music, and today was become in necessity. I can’t live without music… is a very dramatic form of sayed.
Some days of my life I practice sports with my partners, I liked play basquetball. Today I want to  played in some team but in my faculty don't have any team.
Well, that’s it’s all. I liked can tell you more thing’s but… may be in the future talk about more things.
Health and solidarity