Sunday, October 26, 2014


Hello partners, today I will comment to you some books that like’s me. Usually I must to read very much for University, but not always like me that kind of text, very epecific and cientific. I like very much the literature, I remember that when I was studying in the school, the last year, before go class, some days, I went to a bookstore and read in the mornings.
Like me, until today, the science fiction, filosofic tales, some more contemporary or clasic, books to think. I had interest in know about myself and the others from the books. I read Edgard Allan Poe, Ray Bradbury, Herman Hesse, Leon Tolstoy, Dostoievski, Gabriel García Márquez for mention someones. Books like “The brothers Karamazov”, “One hundred years of solitude”, “Damian”, “The ilustrated man”.
I remember one book that cause me a great impact, “The stepary wolf” from Herman Hesse; always like me the wolfs, I don’t know why, may be because that are lonely animals, the book talk about a man that live alone because; in my words, the society and the times when he live, are nasty, unhealthy, vacuous, without sense. He hope more of life and people, was a very intelligent man (the protagonist) but he was not live, didn't enjoy the life until he met a woman. Well, the book is very interesant (at least for me) the way that he wrote, impresses me. Until today I reread the book. I don't tell you more... for you to read.

In the school I didn’t read many things that interest me, at least in the class. Today the things are not so much different. Jajaja, always happen, that we read when we are in vacations, but the time ever end very fast and books remain unread.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Enviroment Problems

Hi, today I going to talk about the environmental care.
I think that is a topic that is not considerer like a true problema in our society. Is not instaled in the public debate.
In my opinion, altought the environmental care it is important, we don’t really care about that. The life is very quiclky, and we don't have much time to think in many things. In my case, I am not very informed about friendly practices to care the environment, only I maintain my habits, an recently add other one, ride bike.
The more reciclying practice that I have, is always out the trash in the trash can, if I don’t have a trash can near, I keep the trash.
Recently, like I say, I saterted to use a bike to travel for the city, I go to the university, almost every days, in my bike.
I don’t know what eco-organizations work the enviroment problem, I only listen about some ones, but… I don’t know very much about the topic in general.  I have the mind busy in other things, but the enviromental friendly practices are very necesary.
I would like to do more for care the enviroment, or work in some organizations, but I don’t have many time to do other things.

Finally, a general critique about my city, Santiago is a city with very much polution.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Work problems

Hello partners, today I will to mention to you some experiences, that in my carrier I was lived. One characteristics of the anthropology, almost when we are studying is the “field work”, usually, this technique is useful for the ethnography, a special forma to relationated with the people and tried to know something more about their lives in function of some questions that we make previously.
Well, I will comment to you about an investigation that we have to do in groups for “social history of Chile”, is not a cathedra specifically when we must to employed some techniques, but I remember the experience, with a partner we have to go to La Pincoya, a specifically town in Santiago and interview some people that work in organization in La Pincoya, social Organization, the most with political objectives. The thing is, that we have to go recurrently to the location, talk with some people, for a work for the university, we, students from first year, without experience, without advice, without guide. Personally, I believed, that the work, our investigation could be the great thing, but was not, we talk with the people, and never see they again, the expectative to change something… was an illusion product of our inexperience and ingenuity.

After to tell you this, I have to mention and value the experience, although was a strong strike for our moral, expectative an illusions, is part of the job, we must to learn of the fallen. And teach us humility, we are not the great people that go to tell you to the others the “true”, or resolve their problems, we can try, always, but with humility, because, the most of the time, the thing is, that we can do very little.