Friday, September 26, 2014

What I want to do

Hello my friends, today I will talk to you about the job that I want or… wait for… almost.
In other post I tryed to explain, in a few words, what anthropology study. Today I will tell you about the job that I want to do. First, I have to say that in my carrer, at third year, we have to choose between study social anthropology, fisical anthropology or archeology, each one of this mention is a kind of specialization, I going to choose, probably, fisical anthropology, because like me very much the biology, and I think, that in this mention, I can use this knowledge and combine with the social. Most of people think that in the mention (fisical), we lose the interest of use the social knowledge that we acquired in the basic cycle, but I don’t  want that… all the contrary.
 I like work in something relationated with the health. I don’t have a clear idea yet, but I fell that I do what I want… at least… something similar, I don’t have the certainty.
I believe that perhaps I can work in a hospital looking the relationship between the doctor and the patient, the nurses, public servants, etc., doing an investigation of that or not, may be I could do something more practical… but, like I say, I don’t have the certainty, may be the next year I could say something more specific.

In other way, althought the job of the anthropologist, commonly tends to be of a lot of travels… I think that… like I lived my life, and the perspective I have for me I believe that… I will work in one place, or a few places in my life, but that can change, like all in the life… I don’ t know what the future holds.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


A lite video about a topic... a big topic that interest me... the history and human been.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Cultural shock.

Hello, I am studying Anthropology, and today I going to talk to you about some problems that in my discipline we talk. One of those are the cultural shock.
Cultural shock. 
In my point of view, and taken some concepts of the anthropology, the cultural shock is when; roughly, people of differents cultures take contact, for differents things, like migrations, finding work, vacations, etc. All this process are mediate for many factors, like socio-economic condition, religiĆ³n, the culture, etc.
In our country, the Mapuches are an example of this, an investigation of migration between the countryside and the city that I read recently show this cultural shock. Is an ethnography that show the cultural shock that lived the Mapuches when they arrive to the city, and the changed that they experiment in their culture, having to change many customs, like their social structure, and in some sense, their believes.
An example of cultural shock, in my case,was when I began to study at the University. I come from a reality very different that the university present to me, not only for the change between the school and University, it was a change to knowing other people, other foulks with a different reality, that live in other places and with other conditions. Special cases, for example, are the students that come to study at the University of Chile, from other countrys, like Spain or France, for say someones, that is a change more stronge yet.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Eterna Inocencia

Hello, I remember one concert, may be the only one I have gone. It was the first semester this year. With a friend, we went to see “Eterna Inocencia”, I din’t know the group, but my friend played some songs to me and I love them. Like “vientos del amanecer”

I love that song.

Well, the think is that we went to the concert, and never played that song, however, I never stayed before in a place like that. Was awesome, we go to the front, at the scenary (was in a discoteca, very huge). Four bands played before they, it was very pacefull, but when they became, all turn crazy, at the first song, the energy, the voices, the hot, the movement, the adrenaline, all at the same time, was amazing, with my friend, ending with all our wears wet. The band is an Argentine group and played about 2 hours, the concert was in a local of the center of Santiago, in an specific place that I don’t remember. The members of the group are very simple people, and in all the places were they go, try to transmit the idea of "do it yourself".

How I began the carrer

Hello partners.
Today I want to talk to you about my carrer and the reasons about how I began the university.
I always be very pensive boy, thinking about the life, the world, the problems of society and the vacuity of the life, it's senseless. a lonely boy. I grouw up without many friends, I watch a lot of movies and tv programs and little by little I began to read. That was very important to me, I feel represent in the character of the books. I remeber one, until today I read it. "The stepary wolf" by Hermann Hesse.
Well, ths is the thing. Never have nothing clear in my life. When I did the PSU test, I was not so nervous, I studied the most at possible in the situation that I was... For extrange that will sound, I never investigated something about the carreer, only I knew, that anthropology study the human been. I don't want to study something relationated with sciences directly, and don't want to study sociology, at least don't enter to the carrer, so I chose Anthropology C: until today, I think that was a good decition. I know very nice people and I continue learnig more and more, asking and knowing new things every day.