Friday, September 26, 2014

What I want to do

Hello my friends, today I will talk to you about the job that I want or… wait for… almost.
In other post I tryed to explain, in a few words, what anthropology study. Today I will tell you about the job that I want to do. First, I have to say that in my carrer, at third year, we have to choose between study social anthropology, fisical anthropology or archeology, each one of this mention is a kind of specialization, I going to choose, probably, fisical anthropology, because like me very much the biology, and I think, that in this mention, I can use this knowledge and combine with the social. Most of people think that in the mention (fisical), we lose the interest of use the social knowledge that we acquired in the basic cycle, but I don’t  want that… all the contrary.
 I like work in something relationated with the health. I don’t have a clear idea yet, but I fell that I do what I want… at least… something similar, I don’t have the certainty.
I believe that perhaps I can work in a hospital looking the relationship between the doctor and the patient, the nurses, public servants, etc., doing an investigation of that or not, may be I could do something more practical… but, like I say, I don’t have the certainty, may be the next year I could say something more specific.

In other way, althought the job of the anthropologist, commonly tends to be of a lot of travels… I think that… like I lived my life, and the perspective I have for me I believe that… I will work in one place, or a few places in my life, but that can change, like all in the life… I don’ t know what the future holds.

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