Friday, September 5, 2014

How I began the carrer

Hello partners.
Today I want to talk to you about my carrer and the reasons about how I began the university.
I always be very pensive boy, thinking about the life, the world, the problems of society and the vacuity of the life, it's senseless. a lonely boy. I grouw up without many friends, I watch a lot of movies and tv programs and little by little I began to read. That was very important to me, I feel represent in the character of the books. I remeber one, until today I read it. "The stepary wolf" by Hermann Hesse.
Well, ths is the thing. Never have nothing clear in my life. When I did the PSU test, I was not so nervous, I studied the most at possible in the situation that I was... For extrange that will sound, I never investigated something about the carreer, only I knew, that anthropology study the human been. I don't want to study something relationated with sciences directly, and don't want to study sociology, at least don't enter to the carrer, so I chose Anthropology C: until today, I think that was a good decition. I know very nice people and I continue learnig more and more, asking and knowing new things every day.

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