Sunday, November 16, 2014

English class

Today I going to comment about my experience in this class. First of all. Miss, you are great xD. I started the first semester of this year with English III, and I had a good teacher too, Mister Juan. Whatever, the thing is, even when I know that you really want that we learn English, a good part of those learning is for dedication of the student, and like I always say to you miss, in the University in particular, is very difficult concentrate in learn another langue, especially if in school, we didn’t have the opportunity to learn very much.
The blogs, in my opinion, are a good tool for learn to read and write, but… was not sufficient. And the video… for me, it is not so good… I am very timid, in particular for been in photography and videos.
Besides the class, I don’t practice very much my English, like I say ever, time elapse very quickly, and we always are doing something.
In general, like I say, is difficult to learn English in this part of my life, but I will try to learn in vacations. I think that I learned a special key to practice English thanks to you.
I pretend to practice every day in a program name’s duo lingo (I think that is good to maintain the training), listen text in English, and read, read, and read. The next year I want to study physical anthropology, and I need to learn English.
That it's miss, I want to thank you for try to teach us, even when is so difficult to do that. I promise you, that I will learn <3 trust me.

A review of the year

This year, has elapsed very quickly for me. From the moment when I entered to study, my life changed very much. So many experiences, many people that I knew this year, and the year before.
Although is November, I feel that this year is finishing. Maybe because the timing in the University is very much intense. Between the study, the family and other kind of works that we made. The time fly.
During the year I knew some girls that made me felt great, although we didn’t stay together, was very good for me.
I did other works, like in the past year, with my partners. We did many things in the University and out of it. I am integrant of the line of anthropology of education that was born a few years ago in the carrier. Is a very important organization for me. Also, this second semester, I am participating of the territorial brigades, a work group that burn from the executive secretary of the FECh since this year, when the Vamos Construyendo took the position.
However, I feel that I didn't had many achievement, yes I had many learnings.
I wish to do more things, but the strength failed me. We can’t not do everything. I am sorry for not dedicated more time to my family, but is something about I can’t do very much.
Some comments about my situation. I am tired, I like could rest in a sofa watching a movie, reading a book, listen music, or just, talking with my parents.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Hello partners, today I will comment to you some books that like’s me. Usually I must to read very much for University, but not always like me that kind of text, very epecific and cientific. I like very much the literature, I remember that when I was studying in the school, the last year, before go class, some days, I went to a bookstore and read in the mornings.
Like me, until today, the science fiction, filosofic tales, some more contemporary or clasic, books to think. I had interest in know about myself and the others from the books. I read Edgard Allan Poe, Ray Bradbury, Herman Hesse, Leon Tolstoy, Dostoievski, Gabriel García Márquez for mention someones. Books like “The brothers Karamazov”, “One hundred years of solitude”, “Damian”, “The ilustrated man”.
I remember one book that cause me a great impact, “The stepary wolf” from Herman Hesse; always like me the wolfs, I don’t know why, may be because that are lonely animals, the book talk about a man that live alone because; in my words, the society and the times when he live, are nasty, unhealthy, vacuous, without sense. He hope more of life and people, was a very intelligent man (the protagonist) but he was not live, didn't enjoy the life until he met a woman. Well, the book is very interesant (at least for me) the way that he wrote, impresses me. Until today I reread the book. I don't tell you more... for you to read.

In the school I didn’t read many things that interest me, at least in the class. Today the things are not so much different. Jajaja, always happen, that we read when we are in vacations, but the time ever end very fast and books remain unread.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Enviroment Problems

Hi, today I going to talk about the environmental care.
I think that is a topic that is not considerer like a true problema in our society. Is not instaled in the public debate.
In my opinion, altought the environmental care it is important, we don’t really care about that. The life is very quiclky, and we don't have much time to think in many things. In my case, I am not very informed about friendly practices to care the environment, only I maintain my habits, an recently add other one, ride bike.
The more reciclying practice that I have, is always out the trash in the trash can, if I don’t have a trash can near, I keep the trash.
Recently, like I say, I saterted to use a bike to travel for the city, I go to the university, almost every days, in my bike.
I don’t know what eco-organizations work the enviroment problem, I only listen about some ones, but… I don’t know very much about the topic in general.  I have the mind busy in other things, but the enviromental friendly practices are very necesary.
I would like to do more for care the enviroment, or work in some organizations, but I don’t have many time to do other things.

Finally, a general critique about my city, Santiago is a city with very much polution.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Work problems

Hello partners, today I will to mention to you some experiences, that in my carrier I was lived. One characteristics of the anthropology, almost when we are studying is the “field work”, usually, this technique is useful for the ethnography, a special forma to relationated with the people and tried to know something more about their lives in function of some questions that we make previously.
Well, I will comment to you about an investigation that we have to do in groups for “social history of Chile”, is not a cathedra specifically when we must to employed some techniques, but I remember the experience, with a partner we have to go to La Pincoya, a specifically town in Santiago and interview some people that work in organization in La Pincoya, social Organization, the most with political objectives. The thing is, that we have to go recurrently to the location, talk with some people, for a work for the university, we, students from first year, without experience, without advice, without guide. Personally, I believed, that the work, our investigation could be the great thing, but was not, we talk with the people, and never see they again, the expectative to change something… was an illusion product of our inexperience and ingenuity.

After to tell you this, I have to mention and value the experience, although was a strong strike for our moral, expectative an illusions, is part of the job, we must to learn of the fallen. And teach us humility, we are not the great people that go to tell you to the others the “true”, or resolve their problems, we can try, always, but with humility, because, the most of the time, the thing is, that we can do very little.

Friday, September 26, 2014

What I want to do

Hello my friends, today I will talk to you about the job that I want or… wait for… almost.
In other post I tryed to explain, in a few words, what anthropology study. Today I will tell you about the job that I want to do. First, I have to say that in my carrer, at third year, we have to choose between study social anthropology, fisical anthropology or archeology, each one of this mention is a kind of specialization, I going to choose, probably, fisical anthropology, because like me very much the biology, and I think, that in this mention, I can use this knowledge and combine with the social. Most of people think that in the mention (fisical), we lose the interest of use the social knowledge that we acquired in the basic cycle, but I don’t  want that… all the contrary.
 I like work in something relationated with the health. I don’t have a clear idea yet, but I fell that I do what I want… at least… something similar, I don’t have the certainty.
I believe that perhaps I can work in a hospital looking the relationship between the doctor and the patient, the nurses, public servants, etc., doing an investigation of that or not, may be I could do something more practical… but, like I say, I don’t have the certainty, may be the next year I could say something more specific.

In other way, althought the job of the anthropologist, commonly tends to be of a lot of travels… I think that… like I lived my life, and the perspective I have for me I believe that… I will work in one place, or a few places in my life, but that can change, like all in the life… I don’ t know what the future holds.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


A lite video about a topic... a big topic that interest me... the history and human been.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Cultural shock.

Hello, I am studying Anthropology, and today I going to talk to you about some problems that in my discipline we talk. One of those are the cultural shock.
Cultural shock. 
In my point of view, and taken some concepts of the anthropology, the cultural shock is when; roughly, people of differents cultures take contact, for differents things, like migrations, finding work, vacations, etc. All this process are mediate for many factors, like socio-economic condition, religión, the culture, etc.
In our country, the Mapuches are an example of this, an investigation of migration between the countryside and the city that I read recently show this cultural shock. Is an ethnography that show the cultural shock that lived the Mapuches when they arrive to the city, and the changed that they experiment in their culture, having to change many customs, like their social structure, and in some sense, their believes.
An example of cultural shock, in my case,was when I began to study at the University. I come from a reality very different that the university present to me, not only for the change between the school and University, it was a change to knowing other people, other foulks with a different reality, that live in other places and with other conditions. Special cases, for example, are the students that come to study at the University of Chile, from other countrys, like Spain or France, for say someones, that is a change more stronge yet.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Eterna Inocencia

Hello, I remember one concert, may be the only one I have gone. It was the first semester this year. With a friend, we went to see “Eterna Inocencia”, I din’t know the group, but my friend played some songs to me and I love them. Like “vientos del amanecer”

I love that song.

Well, the think is that we went to the concert, and never played that song, however, I never stayed before in a place like that. Was awesome, we go to the front, at the scenary (was in a discoteca, very huge). Four bands played before they, it was very pacefull, but when they became, all turn crazy, at the first song, the energy, the voices, the hot, the movement, the adrenaline, all at the same time, was amazing, with my friend, ending with all our wears wet. The band is an Argentine group and played about 2 hours, the concert was in a local of the center of Santiago, in an specific place that I don’t remember. The members of the group are very simple people, and in all the places were they go, try to transmit the idea of "do it yourself".

How I began the carrer

Hello partners.
Today I want to talk to you about my carrer and the reasons about how I began the university.
I always be very pensive boy, thinking about the life, the world, the problems of society and the vacuity of the life, it's senseless. a lonely boy. I grouw up without many friends, I watch a lot of movies and tv programs and little by little I began to read. That was very important to me, I feel represent in the character of the books. I remeber one, until today I read it. "The stepary wolf" by Hermann Hesse.
Well, ths is the thing. Never have nothing clear in my life. When I did the PSU test, I was not so nervous, I studied the most at possible in the situation that I was... For extrange that will sound, I never investigated something about the carreer, only I knew, that anthropology study the human been. I don't want to study something relationated with sciences directly, and don't want to study sociology, at least don't enter to the carrer, so I chose Anthropology C: until today, I think that was a good decition. I know very nice people and I continue learnig more and more, asking and knowing new things every day.

Friday, August 22, 2014

A country that I like to visit

A country that I like to visit is Japan. I think that is a country of ancient culture, even when that was changed, specially  for the industrialization and the second world war at the lasts centurys.
When I was a boy, and until today, like me the samuráis, and all that serenity, discipline, honor and more. Could visit the country where  they born, grow up, lived and died, it’s make me feel great.
I am student of anthropology, and visit others countrys, so estranges for me like Japon, is an experience that could made me very happy.
I will travel at first, to Kioto, the home of the shoguns and emperors, the I could go across the country, with an special emphasis in the orography, in the animals nad vegetal especies.
I like to visit temples, know budism monks, look the ancient architecture and the new. Japan is a country of change, and very quickly changes. The combination between the the old and the knew, is something that I want to see there.

I hope one day can go cross the cea and arrive to Japan

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Ricardo Astorga

Hello my friends!
Today I going to talk to you about a person that let me know something about anthropology. First of all, and maybe I talk to you in posts before, I like the biology, and like me work, in a un future, in something would have relation with that...
Well, continue with the first idea, I want to present to you, an anthtopologist that I watch in tv, he dedicated a long time of his life to travel around the world, doing the work of the ancient antropologist in our days.
The last century, and from the begun of anthropology, our work, mainly, was relationated with know "ancient" society that stay alive until today, but that jobs was everyday less. Ricardo Astorga, like other anthropologist, that didn't have the oportunity of apper in television, continue with that work. The thing is, that I never kwon, until today, what anthropology were, and Ricardo Astorga was the first anthropology that I knew.

He is and anthropologist that travel for different parts in the worlds and does many tv programs in Amazonia, India or Mongolia, related some practices of the societys in this places. 
He steel alive, and had two childs, Matilda and Trinidad. Lives in San Alfonoso, Cajón del Maipo. Chile.
More than like me, Ricardo Astorga represent the dream of the old anthropologist, or more than the dream, the ideal anthropologist, and was the first that I knew... for television. u.u

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Hello again.
Today I will talk about music, in general. Well, I begin
Can you describe how the music make you feel? In my case it's work like an analgesic that can calm me. The life of an student, usually be very stressed, so the music is something vital in all my days, but not only for that calm effect.
I listen a lot kind of music, and important part of that is rap, hip hop and rock with a strong social content. Every day we are doing a critic about society and try to change something’s as well we cant in little things and in others that taking more time and have biggest objectives.
I usually download music from youtube with a program that permit me that, and listening other few songs in a page, soundclouth, but is not popular to me used that page.
One of memory of music... well, I remember two in these moments. When I was a child I like listen song of Michael Jackson, y remember that i watch some videos from him, with all his performance and I started to dance... meanwhile mum observed me behind the window and I never knew that until a few years ago, that was so funny. Other memory that I have, is with my father, listening music in my room, songs of Chayanne, romantic songs... I was a child. I remember that I listen to music until I sleep.
And how I sing? Well, only in the shower jajaja. Well, I sing to with my partners only for free stress and have a good time, sometime is embarrassing, but, we laugh a lot.
A last reflection, can you say how important is the music for people and their culture? Well, I am studying anthropology, but, until the moment, we are not talk a lot about the music, however, I can tell that is very important, and of us know that, the music is a important part of the culture, just think in more ancient time, or in others society that we can identify like so much different like the Chinese or Indian.
That is all for tonight brothers and sisters

Health and solidarity

My favorite piece of tecnology

Hello brothers and sister, tonight I will talk to you about my MP4. Is my special piece of technology jajaja. Well, I like listen music and I use my mp4 all the time to listen all kind of music.
I have my mp4 about two years ago, is something special to me, like all that I have. I usually use my things until the dead... jajaja, I mean, for example, my clothes, I always use the same clothes.

I listen a lot of music with my mp4, every morning when I go to the university I ride a bike listen music feeling the wind in my face, that’s is beautiful, and for the night too, is the best placer that I know that every day I will have.
Here a picture of a mp4
I had a mp4 before this, and when I losed, I cannot accusstumed, so I bought very quickly other one... I pay one of my finger :C

And that's is my history my friends

Friday, April 11, 2014

Things that I do

This semester we are study structuralism, linguistics ethnology and dome other contents that we can use to be a better professional. However, in the conditions that the education is, I, with other partners, understand that never the formal education will be... the thing that the goberments promise.
Well, returning to the topic, apart of the contents that I study I am taking English. First days of this year I tried to play futbol, but I am very bad, and the time it was insufficcient.
Others activities that I do are connected with a work more politic. I am in the line of anthropology of the education, where we find the knowledge that the university does not give us, thats, in a few words, but it's not all that we do. 
What I hope for this year is nothing, I don't have nothing clear, I suppose that I Iive day to day, week to week, I can not plan my life for a year, maybe a hope to be sorprised in the way, that explain why I can not plan my life for a long time.

Health and solidarity

Friday, April 4, 2014


Hello everybody. I am Ignacio López. I am a student of anthropology. I was born in 1994 a cold night of May. I grew up in Santiago of Chile. I live with my parents, I am the only child, don’t have brothers or sisters.
Like all families with have problems but I can say that I was happy during my childhood. Always a studied in college far of my house, I remember me walking to the school in the morning with my mother and return home in the afternoon, then, when I grew up,I walk alone. In the school I knew very nice people and two of they, until today, are my best friends.
Is very comfortable, in the course of live, know people that you really become to love, that you admire, something like that happen to me too when I begin to study in the university, I knew very nice people. Well… that was something that I want to tell you.
Always like me listen music, and today was become in necessity. I can’t live without music… is a very dramatic form of sayed.
Some days of my life I practice sports with my partners, I liked play basquetball. Today I want to  played in some team but in my faculty don't have any team.
Well, that’s it’s all. I liked can tell you more thing’s but… may be in the future talk about more things.
Health and solidarity